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Since a very young age, I was drawn to  the mystical, moved by a powerful intention to discover truth, having a sense of something deeper and bigger being at play.


Curious to navigate the inner workings of the human spirit and a desire to give back to life, I earned a degree in Philosophy and a Masters in Comparative Politics from the London School of Economics. Later, I moved to the Middle East to join the United Nations and the Office of Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan, working in the field of development, until two life-threatening health crisis transformed my world, entirely shifting my way of seeing and being in the world.


Suddenly, it was as if I knew in my bones what my spirit had come here to offer and what I truly wanted to live for. Coming to terms with my own mortality, I hit reset, took the inner leap, and learned a lot about what it means to meet our own fear.


Intrigued by the potential of a human birth and the possibility to live as fully and inspirationally as I possibly could, I left my job, became a mother, and immersed myself comletely into a life long journey of inner exploration.


Following my inner calling, I trained as a life coach under the guidance of Martha Beck, founded Alayana, an online platform dedicated to sharing insights on the path of the heart, and authored two books, "Satya and the Sun" and "Leonie's Leap: Journey to Liberation."


Being graced with a second chance, my life is dedicated to bringing heart consciousness to the world.


Together with my husband and two children we have been blessed to make the world our home. Originally Italian, we lived in many different countries including Jordan, Lebanon, Colombia, Mexico, Austria and most recently India. 

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