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All pain is simply a call to return to the heart of love.

Alayana aspires to be an instrument of unconditional love and support in humanity’s quest for Truth and absolute freedom. It is an online platform born out of inspiration to share writing and spiritual insights to serve, nourish, stretch, and activate the heart of humanity. 


Conscious open heartedness is the foundation of Alayana. It is the simple, yet infinitely deep invitation to remain unconditionally open and heart-centered in the context of our everyday life.


For those who are ready, Alayana shows us how to see clearly through the eyes of the heart, to move beyond the boundaries of our comfort zones and stand unapologetically in the Truth of our being.


It reminds us to let go of all resistance and surrender to life as it is, embracing every part of our being with kindness and compassion while allowing love to be the bridge integrating the fullness of our humanity with our divinity.


Life has been my greatest teacher. Since the beginning, a powerful intention to discover Truth framed my entire existence.  Beyond any specific practice or spiritual tradition, the willingness to simply observe and become deeply engaged with life eventually led me to embrace that which stands at the silent core of all existence: the heart. In my late twenties and mid thirties, two health crisis tested me deeply, opening the heart to the countless blessings concealed in the moments of greatest hardship and pain.


Throughout my journey, it has become clear that true seeing is of the heart, and that moving through fear and pain is what allows the hand of grace to stretch our hearts beyond comprehension. In the strength that comes from our choice to remain unconditionally open arises the possibility to meet the eternal light and wisdom of the heart - source of all true healing, growth, and expansion. 


From this direct experience comes the realization that nothing separates us from source, and that who we are can never die. This is at once the humbling and empowering freedom of the heart where all magic takes root. 


I am here to hold this space for you, to guide you on your own journey of expansion beyond the limits, boundaries, and defenses of the conditioned mind onto the infinite realm of heart consciousness. 


Moved by a ruthless commitment to Truth, I invite you to engage with life in full awareness so that you may open to a deeper awakening, lift the veils of illusion and conditioning, and be inspired to live fearlessly from your radiantly open, intuitive, and authentic heart.


Surrendering to love is the most powerful, transformative, and extraordinarily rare force in our lifetime. From the simplicity of the open heart flow the courage and inspiration that continue to support my journey of inner transformation.


By the boundless grace of the Divine Mother, may each of us find the courage to awaken to love and embrace the fullness of being.


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